Moonlight Evening Chasing Dogs not Sunsets | Hunter + Kaitlin



If you know me then you know I am obsessed with this girl named Kaitlin! She seriously has a heart of gold + I am so thankful to get to call her a best friend.

If you know my husband, Shaun, you know that him + Hunter are besties for the resties… (lol they probably wouldn’t say it like that but oh well) 😉

Anyways, this couple makes my heart so happy + Shaun + I are literally their biggest cheerleaders. Now let me just tell you about this session…

Kaitlin + I are both photographers so we are always taking pictures of other people but we really wanted update pictures of our little fams. So we had the bright idea to just plan an evening and knock out both sets of pictures in one night. So we loaded up our cars… 2 cars, 2 wives, 4 dogs (2 of which are puppies) + headed to an open field to take some new pics. If you would have seen all 8 of us on the side of the road, you would probably have gotten a show because it was comical to say the least. It was crazy but so fun! We ended our night with a Mexican date because mexican food is good for the soul. Can I get an amen?!

Hunter + Kaitlin, I adore you + I truthfully think I will forever be obsessed with you two + your love story.

And because I obviously had to throw in a picture of us because… duh!!

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